KEY MESSAGES by Mr. Emmanuel Asigri, CEO National Youth Authority at the 2019 LTMUN Conference
To deal with the inequalities that persists and large disparities in access to health and education services, we have to team up with likeminded individuals and organisations, and to chart a future that is both inclusive and sustainable.
No one can do it alone. It does not rely on government alone, but all of us as individuals, state and non-state actors have a responsibility to work at achieving this goal. Thus the tagline, “Leave No One Behind”.
We should not lose sight of the importance of vibrant private sector participation in the journey to achieve the SDGs. Because the private sector creates jobs, spurs innovation and grows economy
We need a future which is free of poverty. A future ripe with opportunities for all, irrespective of race, creed, religion, or geographical location. We fully have that role in shaping that future.
By Erica Ehiamah