MUN techniques that makes you exceptional from other delegates

- Research adequately on conference topic and assigned country
Many a time, delegates attending MUN conference do little or no research at all on their assigned countries and conference topics this show in their delivery and contributions during debates. It is advisable for delegate to do all necessary research in order for them to contribute effectively in discussions and know and understand their countries position on the topics being discussed.
Exceptional delegates do a thorough research on their countries and go an extra mile of researching also on countries in their regional bloc, their allys as well as enemies. This gives them an in-depth understanding of the topic in order to draft resolutions that will be beneficial for all.
- Public speaking practice
Remember! Your delivery counts, a good research with poor public speaking skills can greatly affect your active participation in a model UN conference.
Delegates are expected to have good public speaking skills.This can only be achieved with constant practice.Delegates are advised to watch videos on public speaking skills and practice at home.Some delegates also suggest that while they practice in front of a mirror they are able to discover the posture that works for them and also develop some confidence.
The next article will explain into detail how to develop your public speaking skills.THE Dos and Donts
- Be ahead
I have observed over the years that many delegates take longer time to get used to the conference environment. Others on the other hand are overwhelmed by the crowd in their committee room and either get intimidated or scared to make contributions, move motions or even make friends.
To be exceptional always be ahead
- After following the flow of debates in your committee propose very good topics for a moderated caucus.
- Learn to lobby delegates to vote on your motions before proposing them OR convince delegates with valid reasons why your motion should pass
- Debates-Flow Sheet
During MUN conferences several delegates raise their placards expecting to be called but once their given the chance to speak they seem not prepared .Some have disorganized thought and this is mainly because they have not carefully listened to the flow of debate or have not structured their arguments. This is why you need a flow sheet. A flow sheet is a sheet of paper where delegates have carefully outlined their contributions, questions as well as views from other delegates to serve as a guide for them during deliberations.