March 30, 2017
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Did you know that?
- Ghana became a member state of the un on 8th march 1957
- United nations was formally referred to as the league of nations
- The united nations was founded in 1945 after the second world war.
- It officially started with 51 countries but currently includes 193 member statmes
- The united nations has four main goals
- All developing regions in the world have achieved or are closer in achieving gender balance in primary education
- 29th may is annually set for international peacekeepers day.
- For their work for a better organised and morepeaceful world the united nations received a noble peace prize in 2001.
- The united nations logo was designed by a team led by oliver lincoln lundquist, during the united nations conference on international organisation in 1945.
- U.s. president franklin d. Roosevelt came up with the words “ united nations”.